Friday, November 22, 2013

Are you truly happy?

                        Nobody can define happiness for anyone else. We all have our own meaning to  happiness. For me, it's doing what I love with the people that bring out the best in me. I have realized that people describe themselves as happy when they get a car, gift, good grades or achieve something great. They feel happy for that moment, but later on in the day they are dreading something, mad at someone or just upset. In reality they are not happy, they just felt happy for a moment. Happiness should be a long term thing such as living a good life, rather than an emotion.


Friday, November 8, 2013

What is Identity?

According to the webster dictionary identity is who someone is.
   I think that the only people who can truly define that is ourselves.
        We go through life facing challenges that make up who we are.
               We develop, grow and most importantly CHANGE.
                    Don't dwell so much in the past you'll forget that the present is a gift.
                         My identity is special.
                               People may have the same opinions and like the same things I do.
                                  BUT I am an endangered species and there is only one of ME.

                 Friends bring happiness and smiles nothing less.
             Great friends help you find yourself when you feel lost.
         Best Friends are forever.
     My best friend helps me see the light at the end of the tunnel.
A friend is not someone you can live with, but someone you can't live without.
We are like tiny seeds.
   We need to be dropped in dirt.
      Covered in darkness
         And we will eventually reach the light.
            We should always spend time improving ourselves.
                Things go wrong.
                    Nothing and nobody is perfect.
                      Surround yourself with people that bring you happiness.
                        Make the best out of life.
                           Always be the best you can be.
                               Be your idol's rival.
                                  Life is about creating yourself.

Don't lose hope.
                                                   Some of the best days of our lives haven't happened.
                                            Dreams don't always happen right away.
                                      Worrying gets you no where.
                                   Learn from yesterday.
                              Hope for a better tomorrow.
                          Tomorrow you are someone new.

Happiness comes when you love what you do.         
    Falling in love is by chance.
       You are worth it.
           Love when you are ready.                                                      
               Not when you are lonely.
                  You never forget your first love.
                       It's irreplaceable.
                         Someone will break your heart.
                            People always walk away.
                            Staying strong and knowing your worth is what matters.
                          Do what you love with passion.
                       Be with someone who gives you great memories.
                     Falling in love is by chance.
                  Media can't tell you what love is.
               Everyone can see it, but only you can feel it.
            Someone will show you why it didn't work out with anyone else.
        Don't lose yourself looking for love.


Are Ads Affecting your Health?

                 You may think that ads don't affect you in a conscious way, but they do. Ads make people feel self-conscious. I used to not agree with this before I realized that ads are also affecting me greatly. I never really used to care about my appearance, such as: my pores, acne, and even the color of my nails. But, watching commercials of famous people advertising pore strips, nail polish, and acne washes made me realize that I could use those on myself.
                Of course, now I am aware of all this nonsense but I try and ignore it. Ads want you to feel self-conscious and worry about your appearance, and make you vulnerable, so they can sell the products to you. Although you may be vulnerable, the mind is so powerful and people CAN say no to ads.